A small selection

A small selection of the hottest products on zazzle from a variety of artists and designers. Check out the links in the sidebar for some useful tools and a link to the discount coupons page.

Friday 26 November 2010

Stunning new products just in time for Christmas!

Zazzle have been adding loads of great new product ranges in the recent weeks - just in time for Christmas!!

First up there were ornaments designed to be used as Christmas Tree Decorations but with a wide range of other uses. Here are a few examples of what's on offer:

Hot on the heels of the ornaments came iPhone and iPad cases!! Nowhere else can you get such a massive selection of amazing designs that zazzle.

Just days after releasing the iPhone and iPad cases, zazzle gave us another great product ....... sandstone drinks coasters!! Now beacuase of the material that they are printed on, not all designs work well on them but, there is still a huge and wonderful selection.

Snowman coaster
Snowman by rdwnggrl
Create a personalized coaster on Zazzle.

Whatever will those wonderful folks at Zazzle come up with next?

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