A small selection

A small selection of the hottest products on zazzle from a variety of artists and designers. Check out the links in the sidebar for some useful tools and a link to the discount coupons page.

Friday 20 May 2011

Just Launched - Custom Portable Doodle Speaker!

Zazzle has just teamed up with OrigAudio™ to bring us custom Doodle speakers for mps players, laptops, in fact any device that takes a 3.5mm headphone jack. They operate on just two AAA batteries (or a handy USB) so are really efficient to use. The really great thing is that zazzle has THOUSANDS of designers working like crazy to bring you the best customizable designs! Within just a few short hours of launch, there were nearly 9,000 designs to choose from! WOW!


Depth: 7/8 inches
Width: 2.5 inches
Length: 4.5 (1/16)
Weight: 9.6 ounces

This is just a teeny tiny sampling of the designs avalable right now, with literally thousands more being added every hour! View all of the speaker designs here.