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Sunday 20 March 2011

Support the Japan Relief Effort with Cool Gear from Zazzle

Our dear friends at Zazzle are donating $10 from every sale of this official Japan Relief T-Shirt:

On top of that, they are going to great effort to manually contribute all royalties from storekeeper designs (yes, manually, a single sale at a time) and are even going to match those royalties dollar for dollar!

Here are some of the most popular designs donated by kind Zazzlers (remember, these designers do not get a single penny, all royalties go straight to charity).

Proceeds from the sales will be given to the Japanes Red Cross to assist in rescue and recovery efforts. It is amazing and absolutely wonderful news to hear that survivors are still being found some 8 days after the earthquake and tsunami! An 80 year old woman and her 16 year old grandson have just been found alive, a truly heartwarming piece of news. Our prayers are with all in Japan at this time.