A small selection

A small selection of the hottest products on zazzle from a variety of artists and designers. Check out the links in the sidebar for some useful tools and a link to the discount coupons page.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

A selection from friends and acquaintances

I do a lot of promoting of zazzle products. Most often I select a topic I want to promote or a subject that I want to write about and select products from any designers that match the genre. However sometimes it's a nice change to promote the work of designers that I know, or know about, who have given me advice or helped me out, and that's what I have chosen to do today. There's no theme to this post, just products I like from people I know.

I love this poster by Valerie of AbundanceLoveTrip. The warm and vibrant colors draw my eyes in to the piece and it's so full of energy. Valerie's store on zazzle is full of wonderful abstract designs on a range of products as well a cute animal and kawaii graphics.

When I first visited the Pretty World store I was amazed by the variety of original designs available. I was immediately drawn to the "Whimsical and Fun" section and fell head over heels for this adorable cartoon house design. The His and Hers Duplex would make a super Valentines gift!

This refridgerator magnet by Albannach Artisan has a photograph of one of the most beautiful stone sculptures that I have ever seen. I love fantasy and faeries and this has to be one of the best examples.

Ever since I began on zazzle almost two years ago, Jasmine has stood out as one of the most helpful and friendly zazzlers. The sculpture featured on this magnet of hers is actually from her own yard. The little boy and girl are just so cute!

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